Frank Camuglia name Logo

Guitarist - Musician

Frank Camuglia name Logo

Guitarist - Musician

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Common Thread T-shirt

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Interlude T-shirt

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A Little History

Frank Camuglia is an American musician best known as the lead guitarist for the 80's hard rock band "R.A. Roller." He was the band's lead guitarist, main songwriter, and one of its original founding members.

In December of 2023, he created his own music label "Boog Music Ltd.," where he released a blues guitar album titled "Placid." under the band name "BluesTone."

In January of 2024, he released the first full length "R.A. Roller" album under the new name "RAR V" titled "Looking Back, Moving Forward." For the new album he re-wrote and re-recorded five original tracks as well as 3 brand new songs.

In March of 2024, he released his first solo album, "Common Thread," under his own name.

He released his second work, this time an EP titled "Interlude" June 2, 2024.

His third Ep has just been released titled "Phases Through Time" on November 7, 2024.

He has been working on the second full length RAR V album tentatively titled "Legacy" due to be released in late 2025.
Three singles from the new EP have been released. "Seasons Fade" ,"Purple Shock" and "Perseverance."

His music is available to listen and purchase on Bandcamp and all streaming platforms.